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Circular No 176
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 19 of March 2005. Circular No. 176
Dear Friends,
I am sorry to inform you that in the files received from Arthur Knaggs, BULL No. 12 is missing. Can anyone help with a copy???
So instead I am going to send a copy of some of the letters that were sent during that time.
Need information on the ALUMNI that are to be mentioned, I do not have all the email addresses and telephones, or even the wellbeing for some of them.
So here is the first letter:
16 august 1985
Dear Arthur,
It is always a pleasure to receive one of your newsletters.
So was OASIS No. 14.
I can’t help feeling guilty however, because I have not paid my dues.
The problem is getting the money to you.
Could you let me know how much I owe?
If you get the time to drop me a line, I would be grateful.
In the mean time I am enclosing $10.00 U.S. hoping that it will reach you intact.
I spent an evening at the Mount this week and had a short glimpse of Fr. Ildefons.
He is always very busy.
Being head of the Charismatic movement in Trinidad, he doesn’t have a moment to spare, and gets around everywhere on his motorcycle.
A dangerous means of transport, especially today.
He most certainly has God’s protection.
Since your migration, (wish I could do the same) Trinidad has changed immensely.
It is no longer the quite easy going place it used to be.
You would probably be surprised to see Trinidad as it is today.
The overcrowding, the traffic jams, the parking problems.
On the road to Mount St. Benedict, most of the trees have been cut down.
In the area just before your enter the gate, and on the right hand side of the roads, a housing development has recently completed.
There is also a lot more squatting on the mountain sides, where people have planted gardens.
These are just a few of the many changes that have taken place, besides all the huge Government buildings in Port of Spain and the rest of the Island.
Crime and unemployment have increased, but the police are doing their best to keep lawlessness under control.
Hope you can pay us a visit soon.
My family and myself wish to send our kindest regards to you and your family, wishing you the best of health and prosperity over the coming years
God bless you
Anselm Brunton.
24 March 1983
Dear Arthur,
It was indeed a pleasure receiving your Old Boys Newsletter and as my Mother was here spending time with me it brought back many memories of Mt. St. Benedict.
I have always appreciated the fact that I was able to attend Mount St. Benedict which in my opinion contributed to the greatest hay days ever.
I also have a sincere deep feeling for all the “Old Boys” and many who I have met share that same feeling. (They must have done something right).
Now for some news:
I met Adrian Ache about two months ago and we spent a most pleasant day tracking down business contacts.
I have been involved in the Export Market for several years, so please advise the old boys that whatever they may be looking for in the nature of Exports that Dave should be their contact man, for I am part of a World Wide Organization with access to many avenues including not only in obtaining the required products or items but also shipping.
Hence one of my reasons for leaving Canada to be nearer South and Central America and the West Indies.
Delano is doing well in Trinidad and is the President of the Custom Brokers Association. of Trinidad and Tobago and also runs his own Brokerage Co.
I suppose your know that Phillip Nassief (so I’ve read) is the Minister of Development of New Industry.
Should you have any address of any Old Boys please forward them with your next Newsletter.
I think it may be a good idea to ask the Old Boys to write in any funny situation they may remember.
For instance – Does anyone remember when Joe Azar got a Donnelly Cake for his Birthday and how I, Malcolm Boyack, and some of the boys pestered him for a piece, but Joe refused constantly.
Eventually, I persuaded him to open the tin and at least let us look at the cake, he did “MISTAKE” a dozen hands immediately attached the cake and poor Joe was left crying with the empty tin can.
There must be endless stories and one day I must get Stanley Ferguson (who only lives an hour away) and myself to make a tape and send for you and some of the other boys can do the same to add for a tape collection.
The economy in the U.S. is extremely bad and jobs are very hard to come by, unless you have U.S.A. Documentation even for Doctors, Lawyers, Tradesmen, etc. (no U.S. Certificates, No Jobs.)
My entire family is doing extremely well, however things are pretty tough with me.
One of my daughters Cassandra will graduate this year and has just been awarded the Honour Society of Country Side High School out of 3000.
Students only 27 were picked as the Principle opening remarks said “Ladies and Gentlemen” this is the Cream of the Crop.
Enclosed is a Xmas Greeting Letter that we send out each year.
As you are planning to come down this way, please be sure to get in touch with me.
By the way what does “O.A.S.I.S.” mean??
Best regards for 1983 to you ands all the old boys
David de Castro
Dear Arthur,
Many thanks for your newsletter.
Fact of all, I now headquarter myself back in Trinidad weekending home in Granada so mail should he sent here.
Brother Nigel till runs his insurance Brokerage firm, Trinidad Insurance Consultants, he is dead keen on farming has an Estate, cattle and race horses.
Naturally he is still playing good golf.
He has 4 kids 3 girls one boy.
I have 3 girls.
Clive Bethencourt-Gomes now lives in England – Meddow Street, Huntlane, Witherley, Atherstone, Warichshire.
Anyway I have enclosed a check to help keep OASIS alive.
With best wishes to you and your family.
Paul Slinger.
Hope that you are getting theses Circulars, please write.
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address:
Ladislao Kertesz
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela
for those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photos: Desmond Brunton, Paul Slinger, Farcheg and Fr. Bernard
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