Saturday, April 30, 2005

Circular No 182

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 30 April 2005. Circular No. 182

Dear Friends

Here are miscellaneous emails from The Goldings.
I am missing Baby Joe´s commentaries, hope he is well and just lazy!!!.

Date: 1/17/2005 10:54:30 PM

Ladislao, it has been a long time since I last contacted you but I religiously read your weekly news bulletins.
Keep up the good work!!!!
I have never sent you a photo so I am now sending one of my wife and I, on my 30th year service award with Imperial Oil (ESSO) a month ago.
Do you recognize me?
We have all changed so much over the years but it is amazing how we can remember the faces from some 50 years ago.
Please send me Matias e-mail.
I would like to surprise him!!
Best wishes and thanks,

(I must have lost the photo, resend, ed.)
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 6:29:19 AM EST
From: "Jon Golding"

Roger is fine.
He changed jobs and is now working as Secretary/Manager of the Queen's Park Oval.
I am not sure if he has an email (personal) but I will see what I can do when I see him next.

Dear Jon,
Please could you inquire on Roger Henderson, his email box has been closed for a while.
I hope it is not for health reasons!!!
Waiting for your reply.
God Bless

"Jon Golding" wrote:

Hi Giovanni
I just read your note to Ladislao.
It was great hearing from you.
Donde vives?
Yo vivo en Trinidad y trabajo por un banco mejor. (
Quizas este año voy a Venezuela a ver mis compadres viejos!
This is the bad Spanish Mr De Matas taught me! Remember him?
Por muchos años, I wondered where you, Roberto Savorgnan y Pablo Figuera were.
Sabes tu?
For your information Roberto's older hermano is Luciano.
Escribame cuando tu tienes el tiempo.
Juan de la Golding

From: "JonGolding"
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 14:11:25 -0400

I'll do my best.
I have found a few others in TT like Peter Boos (1957)
I sent a request for a ticket direct to the Abbot but have heard nothing so far.
If I hear nothing I will just show up on the Sunday.
I leave in a few days for London.
Take care

Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 12:28 PM

Dear Jon,
I hope you have bought rolls of film or new batteries for the digital camera.
Please send me the photos of the event so that I may include them in the circular.
Of course individual photos of the guys that we knew would be appreciated.
Please make propaganda for the circular, we need new guys in the listing, I am sure most are not in the list, and of course I do not have their emails.
I hope you meet additional friends, other than those that you already met.
Maybe someone knows about Bro. Vincent, PG. Wilson (there is nothing in the internet)
Also please ask Fr. Cuthbert for the address of Fr. Paul and Fr. Francis?
He told me that it was matter of going up to his room!.
Ask Fr. Benedict if he is getting the circulars, I believe that The Person at the computer is not delivering the circulars.
If not then I must mail them by snailmail.
God Bless

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 21:46:12 -0400, "JonGolding" wrote:

Hi Ladislao,

I am settling in to TT very well but never been so busy in my life!!
I have a demanding but very interesting job with RBTT Bank.
When I see you on 17th August I will fill you in.
Hope you are well
God Bless

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 7:55 PM

Dear Jon
How are you?
I hope that TT is as you thought it would be?
I have not written to you before as I know that if you had any information you would send it along.
O can it be that you are not receiving the Circulars ????
Well just let you know we are still trying to get MSB old boys a rerun
God Bless

From: "JonGolding"
To:"Francis Pereira"
Subject: MSB Reunion
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 12:33:57 -0400

Dear Abbot Francis,
I would like to buy two tickets to the MSB Reunion (for myself plus friend) for the Sunday only event since I will regrettably be out of the country on 15th August.
Please tell me how much and where to send the cheque and to whom payable.
Many thanks
Jon Golding
Class of 1961.

PS Please give Fr Benedict and Fr Augustine my regards.
I hope they will both be there on the Sunday.
IF Fr Benedict has an email address please let me have it since I want to ask him if he has a scanner and a computer.
If not I can lend him my scanner (if he has a computer) so he can scan some old photos for us to put on the website. Many thanks. JG.

From: "JonGolding"
Subject: Relocated to Trinidad
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 20:43:31 -0500

Hi Ladislao,
Please pass this on to All the guys who left around 1960 and 1961.
My brother Geoffrey was in class with you, the Galts, David Pampellone, Michael Herrera, Manuel Prada, Louis Lacour, Bernard Johnson, Chris Knowles, Matias de Fedak, Wayne Vincent Brown, Roger Henderson, etc.
My class had Pablo Figuera, Roberto Savignon, Robert Elias, Tilson Tang, Peter Gibson, Christian Goddard (at one time), Richard Farah, Stuart Monplaisir, and many others.
Have you heard from all of these people? What news of the Figueras, Savignons?

I am now resettled back in Trinidad after 37 years in Europe, America, Middle East, India, and a few other places, running the Private Banking Division of RBTT Financial Holdings, the biggest banking group in the Caribbean.
It's really a great life here relating to my roots which no-one overseas could really understand and I was blessed to get this job - helped with references from some of the names I have mentioned.
The Old Boys Network really does work!!
I have met some of the guys back here but not had a chance to go up the hill yet.
Do you know if Voosh still has some of the many photos he took while we were there?
I am thinking of going up with a laptop and a scanner to capture some of these from him. What do you think?
Best wishes
Jon Golding

PS What is Louis Lacour's email address?
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address:

Ladislao Kertesz
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela

For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.

God Bless

Photo: Jon 2003, class 1958?? Fill in the names please
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.

Look at, for information on the Monastery, Mt St. Benedict.

For those that want to communicate with the web, use,

Send information to:, if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include. Telf. 58 (212) 263.5346 Caracas.

Use, or, for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.

Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to

For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela’s time is the same as Trinidad’s, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Circular No 181

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 23 of Abril 2005. Circular No. 181
Dear Friends

In this Circular I am enclosing communication from Peter Laughlin, who is in Florida.

From: Peter Laughlin
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 10:37:06 -0500

Thanks for all the great info.
What did happen to Mount St. Benedict, please update me.
For those that don't remember me, I was a day student, well known for my swimming achievements, rather than my academic prowess.
Some of you may recall me from my nickname" Tatar"
Peter Laughlin

Since I do not have a resume as yet, here is one that I took from the Internet:

Peter G. Laughlin
Peter Laughlin has built a stellar reputation providing one-of-a-kind opportunities in Sarasota's luxury home market -- for many years as Sarasota's top luxury real estate broker, and now as a developer of these magnificent homes.
Hailing from Trinidad, Peter was involved in the development, marketing and promotion of single-family and resort properties. He also ran an international consulting business in Miami, handling major companies and investors who needed representation in South America, the Caribbean and the USA.
Peter then brought his remarkable background to Sarasota where he consistently helps buyers of luxury homes make choices that have a positive impact on their lifestyle and wealth.
Peter attributes his success to commitment, planning, a high-performing team of professionals, and an abundance of satisfied customers.

Now for some news from Miguel Gonzalez:

Date: 28 Feb 21:32 (PST)

There fellow Abbey Boys,
I'm sending this reminder to let you know that we (reunion committee) will begin plans for the next reunion soon.
To be held next year August 2005.
All interested parties and any comments may email me at
As we get closer to August 2005 I will be emailing the developments of plans via this circular.
Until further notice,
God bless
Miguel Gonzalez
Member of Reunion committee

Date: 23 Mar 21:38 (PST)

I will send you all the names I have.
But they only go back as far as 1979.
I can ask Maxim De Comomond who works at the Mount to see what he can do.
I will forward any info I get.

(Miguel I still do not have the email addresses to the original committee 2003.
If there is a change for 2005, let me know and send in the email addresses, ed.)

REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUES, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address:

Ladislao Kertesz
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela

For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.

God Bless

Photos: Miguel Gonzalez, Peter Laughlin
Look us up at an all class msb web site.

Look at, for information on the Monastery, Mt St. Benedict.

For those that want to communicate with the web, use,

Send information to:, if you would like to be in the circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include. Telf. 0 (212) 263.5346 Caracas.

Use, or, for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.

Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to

For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Circular No 180

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 16 April 2005. Circular No. 180------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Friends,
I am including O.A.S.I.S. files from Arthur Knaggs, BULL No. 13 sent on March 1985.
Need information on the ALUMNI that are to be mentioned, I do not have all the email addresses and telephones, or even the wellbeing for some of them:
Dearly Beloved,

Time and money have once more motivated me into releasing our little periodical to bear Easter tidings to you all at this time and joyful period in our Church calendar.
The Easter challenge is:

I am only one, Lord, but I am one.
I cannot do everything but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do.
And what I ought to do, by your grace, I will do.
Let us make a commitment to do the things we ought.
This is mine.
I got a letter from Fr. Cuthbert, asking for contacts with coin collectors in Trinidad.
I only knew Fred Hilderbrand at Fed. Chem., but I believe there is a Numismatic Society in Trinidad.
He reports that the school is down to 80 boys and our old 2nd Mt. St. Benedict is down to 17, almost all Venture Scouts.
The best news is that Abbot Bernard is moving about quite a lot with admirable patience and is into Charismatics.
Fr. Idelfons is still rowing around the island while Bro. Anthony and Bro. Bruno are still actively involved in the Domestics of the Abbey.
Still have not tracked down ARTHUR DU BOULAY, but NOEL DE VERTEUIL in Quebec would certainly like to get hold of him as they worked together at Shell years ago.
Heard MIKE “Donkey Man” KENNY is with Dowell in London but he fails to write.
He never was very good at English Composition!!!
When is a question of money, everyone is of the same religion.
I got a letter from “Shaves” Ferguson, who continues to propagate the faith through his instruments.
Have been promising to pay him a visit and see Disney World but keep spending all my money.
He can be reached at 205 Lake Gibson Lane, Lakeland, Florida 33805.
He sells TV´s, stereos, VCR´s, computers, etc. for Montgomery Ward.
His daughter, Lissette, has graduated from high school and went on a trip to Hawaii and is now at University of Florida.
Son, Nicholas, is into scuba diving and Stanley went on a trip with him to Jamaica.
Peter, his brother, is studying for Priesthood and Newton, N.J.
I need his address.
Have not heard from ALBERT KNOWLES in ages, is he still in circulation in Trinidad???.
Got a Christmas card fro Chris Krogh (with goodies), keep well and basks in the sunshine around his pool.
His brother Kevin and wife Linda, are on their 8th kid.
Fr. Abbot, would you please have a chat and remind them that we are now operating on Vatican II, and that they are allowed to come up for air.
Don’t have his address and don’t want it, if “this thing” is contagious.
LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, it is easier to build a boy, than mend a man. Do the same with girls.
Got a real “Palm Sunday Gospel” from Bernard Lange, c/o The cottage, Mt. St. Benedict, St. Augustine, Trinidad and he writes for the newspaper, the Sunday morning RAP, with his usual elasticity and talent.
He still coaches the Aqua-lads Swimming Team (and Lasses); times sure have changed at the Old Mount.
He has passed on the names of STAN MORA and DEOLAL BEHARRY of the Guardian.
Also mentioned NIGEL GOMES and PETER QUESNEL but no their addresses.
Bernard, really would like the address of those others you gave me so that I can forward some news.
I learnt that RICHARD LORENZO is a peace Officer in Toronto.
Spring, with great difficulty, is endeavouring to thaw its way into the Atlantic Region.
I, too, am rushing to clear this backlog of news from my “MUST BE DONE TODAY” file; which has been lying around for the past three months.
Please note that due to financial hardship, bulletins will only be going to regular subscribers and to the news reporters.
All others will just be out of luck.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Bro. Gabriel Mokveld, Architect.
He joined the Monastery in 1913 from Bahia, Brazil.
He was the first NOVICE to be received at the Abbey.
He was born on 31st January 1894.
Hope that you are getting these Circulars, please write.
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address:
Ladislao Kertesz
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela
For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photos: Bro. Gabriel, Paul Quesnel, (need Peter´s photo and email address.)

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Circular No 179

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 9 of April 2005. Circular No. 179
Dear Friends,
Here is another surprise for those that knew him:
"Nigel Boos"
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 09:05:33 -0500

I got through to Noel Llanos at the number you gave me, but I must have awakened him.
Sorry, Noel. (Doesn't everyone get up at 5.00 a.m.?) Noel hasn't heard from any of the Abbey School crew for ages, so my telephone call must have surprised him. Anyway, his email address is I believe that Sean Costello's phone number is incorrect.
Keep getting someone named "Carl".

On 27-Feb-05, at 5:28 PM, lazslo kertesz wrote:

Dear Nigel,
Thank you, glad he is alive.
I presume that the other addresses and telf numbers are no good ??
Good work
On 30-Jan-05, at 5:17 PM, lazslo kertesz wrote:

Dear Nigel,
Thank you again for the contact. Now I have three more, but these I do not know, except that I have been given their telephone no.
Try if you like:
Soodeen, Tyrone, BC Abboisford v2s 4w6 604 853 6252
Llanos, Noel 1948 ca, Calgary, Albert (403) 242 3879
Jardim, Thomas Tommy ca, Nova Scotia (902) 445 1077
Costello, Sean ca, Toronto (416) 722 5983
Please send me the results so that I may correct the list.
God bless and luck
Nigel Boos wrote:

Wonderful contact, Las.
I've just spoken with Egan and YUP! He’s the same old Egan from MSB.
He's been living in Canada since 1964 or 1966 and has his own real-estate company.
He's gong to send me an email msg. and I've asked him to copy you as well.
Thanks for the tip, Las.
We'll get together soon.
On 19-Jan-05, at 10:18 AM, lazslo kertesz wrote:

Dear Nigel,
Please could you call him at (416) 439 5551. I believe that he is the Egan that was with us during the last year:
God Bless
From: Nigel P. Boos
Date: 3/26/2005 7:20:00 AM

Here's an excerpt from a recent (Christmas 2004) MSB Newsletter, which you might find interesting:
"August 2004 marked the launching of Mount St. benedict into Cyber Space (sic). Several monks had indicated over the past year that this was the wave of the future and that the Mount had to embrace travel along the information highway in order to stay relevant to modern society. After the Abbatial election of November 2003, Abbot President Clestine Cullen, in his address to the monastic community, urged us to embrace the new technology and launch out into the wide and wonderful world of Cyber Space (sic.)
He indicated that this was an effective means of communicating with the new generation and was a way of attracting young men to consider a call to the monastic way of life. His words were taken seriously and within a few months was born. This would not have been possible without the assistance given to us by a former member of our community, Deacon Lionel Roberts, now ministering in Florida, USA, and his friend in Pittsburgh, Monsignor Anton Dechering. We are very grateful to both of them. The site is a modest attempt to share our life with a greater cross-section of people. From our home on the Internet, we share news, views and pews with all. In our 2001 Christmas Newsletter, Fr. Hildebrand Greene had written a prophetic article, "Monks on Line" in which he proposed St. Benedict as the patron of cyberspace."
Perhaps some of us might like to check out
Happy Easter to everyone.
Ladislao Kertesz
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela
For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photos: By Bodington, File 0002c5, File 0002d1

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Circular No 178

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 2 of April 2005. Circular No. 178
Dear Friends,
A new comer to the Circular of past ALUMNI of The Abbey School, good job, Leary
I found David in the internet, he has a page and others link to his page of paintings.
But of course there is no way to contact him in the page, so I looked up the telephone directory for Australia and “Bingo”, he had an address, telephone number, etc. I sent these to my friend Leary and “Voila” another old boy found.
But no luck with IAIN “WABBA” MILNE, another of the West Indian painters, I haven’t been able to decipher his telephone number, can anyone help???
From: David de Boehmler
Date: 2/7/2005 9:42:31 PM

Dear Ladislao,
Well I believe you were far before my time. But I am impresses with the idea of a site for Mount St Benedict's. If there is such a thing. So far I have only received your letter and the photo attached, which seemed incomplete by the way because one of the names was Mr Tyrell, and he was not on the photo perhaps there was another photo. I like the idea of email addresses attached also. I too would like to know the story of Mount St Benedict. I guess I lost touch when I left in 60 or 61, I am not sure. Wouldn't it be great to see photos of all the classes? Well here is my contribution. I am sure I have more some where but cannot find them at present. As to which class this is I am not sure but some of the names I will try to fit in.
David de Boehmler.

Here is the list matching numbers with names:

Top left to right
1. Michael Azar, (Joe)
6. Edward Lloyd.
7. Simon de Costa, Barbados?....
9. Don Mitchell, Nick name 'Box Head'
13.Agoustini ?...
16..Herrera ??..
17.Scheult Jnr

PS. The names won't be spelled properly. Hope someone enjoys these, and can fill in the missing names. Will try to find the other photos. Thanks for the effort.

(I am enclosing “Class 1964 azar 150 15” photo, where you can check out the names given to me by David. Ed.)
Maybe Joe can help, remember that Don Mitchell Boxhead graduated in 1963 and finally left school in 1964, so he appears with two groups.
Remember to make note of the FILE name used for the photo when answering.
According to the Web page:
Class of 1964
Anderson, Gerard
Clarke, Richard
Fimian, John
Gurley, Dennis
Herrera, Hamish
Kong Ting, Kenneth
Mitchell, Gordon
O'Brien, Tony
Tadros, Paul
Tang, Peter
Tappin, Bernard
Telucksingh, Keith
Can any one make the necessary corrections????

Caribbean Watercolours by David de Boehmler
Now living in Australia, David was born in Trinidad and has been a prolific artist for 30 years. He currently paints watercolours depicting life in the tropics, focussing on Trinidad and Tobago with its fun loving people. His paintings reflect the vibrant colours and scenes found throughout the Caribbean. He has exhibited his work in Australia, Canada, Trinidad and the United States
David has been a prolific artist for the past 30 years, working in every medium. Over the last few years he has focused on watercolours. He has had exhibits in Australia, Canada, Trinidad and the United States. You can purchase some of his art from this site. We have a new page called the Gallery, where you can see a sampling of works that have sold. David also works as an illustrative sign painter and commercial artist, specializing in artistic signage, but he makes every effort to put his art first.

David and his lovely Australian wife, Joy, live on the south coast of Victoria, Australia. His current works depict life in the tropics - focussing on his homeland, the beautiful, tropical islands of Trinidad and Tobago, with its fun loving people. His paintings reflect the vibrant colours and scenes found on all the islands in the Caribbean and in many other tropical places - beaches, boats, vegetation, people, street and market scenes.
Also enclosing another photo of about the same time where Don Mitchell is again in the photo, but this time Michael Azar is out. Maybe this one is Class 1963??
Class 1964? no boxhead 150 15
Soon I shall send you another photo without a fixed date but with names given to me by Jeremy De Barry, for you to checkout.
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address:
Ladislao Kertesz
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela

For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photos: David 1 70 de Boehmler, Red%20Roof