1. Total Circulars: There were 53 Circulars issued by Ladislao in the year 2005. No 165 was the first, and No 217 was the last.
2. Viewing Circulars: Only the last four are visible on the home page. Click on on the arrow next to the month in Archives in the column on the right to see the ones for that month. You can read each of the earlier ones, together with any comments posted by readers, by clicking on its headline in Archives. You are, of course, free to download the Circulars to your computer for reading at your leisure.
3. Copying Photos: You can save any photo to your own computer by right-clicking on it, and saving it to a suitable folder in your computer. Or, you go to the "file" button in the top left hand corner of your screen, and go to "save as" to do the same thing.
4. Making Comments: At the foot of each Circular there is a place for you to be able to make a "Comment" on the contents. If you recognise a face in a photo, or something similar, that you want to write about, just click on "comments" at the foot of the appropriate Circular and enter your remarks in the window that opens. In order to prevent strangers from posting nonsense and spam, I have set it so that I have to moderate and publish the comments. Anyone who would like to join as a moderator is welcome.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Circular No 217

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict , Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Dear Friends,
This is the last Circular for the year, sorry but 2006 is at the door.
Here is a compendium of emails received last week.
From Oldboys that care and collaborate to keep this channel of interchange alive.
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 15:52:11 -0800 (PST)
From: "Stuart Monplaisir" stumon@yahoo.com
Subject: Seasons Greetings
Ladislao, here's wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2006
Stu Monplaisir
Fecha: 15/12/2005 12:57:43
Feliz Navidad es nuestro mensaje para todos
Hola Ladislao espero para ti y los tuyos que tengas un Feliz año.
Me tome un break para leer tu mail de este fin de semana (estoy preparando un escrito que debo presentar mañana en tribunales.
Te cuento que acerca de Henrique Gómez es posible que Gustavo el hermano de Rafael Echeverria pueda saber algo.
Por casualidad de la vida fuimos vecinos hace unos 12 o 14 años en la Urbanización Manzanares en las Residencias Este 9.
La última vez que converse con él fue en el Sambil y no se si sería hace unos 4 años, pero no lo he vuelto a ver.
Disculpame la brevedad pero te llamo con más calma hacia el fin de semana
jaime benazar
Hello Ladislao, I wish you and yours a Happy year.
It took a to read your mail of this weekend (I am preparing a writing that I must present tomorrow in courts.
I tell you that about Henrique Gomez, it is possible that Gustavo the brother of Rafael Echeverria would know something.
By chance of the life we were neighbours about 12 or 14 years in the Manzanares Urbanization in the Residences EAST 9.
The last time that I conversed with him was in the Sambil and it would be about 4 years ago, but I have not seen him since then.
Sorry for the brevity but I call shall call you with more calm towards the weekend Greetings to you
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 10:40:55 -0400
Gracias ladislao he estado pendiente y recibiendo semanalmente tus reportes.
De parte de mi familia y de mi personalmente, les deseamos lo mejor en estas navidades y el año por venir.
La semana entrante, si Dios quiere, estaremos enviando a todos nuestros amigos y familiares el mensaje de navidad que espero les guste.
Saludos y muchas felicidades
Jaime Benazar
Thanks Ladislao, I have been looking forward and receiving weekly your reports.
From my family and of myself personally, we wished you the best in these Christmas and years to come.
The incoming week, if God wants, we will be sending to all our friends and relatives the Christmas message that I hope you like.
Greetings and many congratulations
Debo empezar por agradecer tu gentil llamada del día martes.
Trate de enviarte respuesta ayer pero sabes en ciertas ocasiones estas maquinas se ponen algo necias y no hubo forma de hacerlo.
Debo explicarte que efectivamente estudié en Mount St. Benedict en los años escolares 66-67 y 67-68, en form I y form II respectivamente.
Me parece formidable que alguien haya tomado la iniciativa de reunir información y exalumnos en este extraordinario medio que es el web.
Espero que podemos compartir más adelante experiencias y tantos recuerdos de aquella epoca.
Los teléfonos de mi oficina son 2863323/2862440, es un despacho de abogados.
Espero que en futuro cercano mantengamos comunicación constante.
Jaime Elías Benazar Andrade
I must begin by thanking you for your gentile call on the day, Tuesday.
I tried to send you an answer yesterday but you know in certain occasions these foolish machines just do not work and there was no form to do it.
I must tell you that indeed I studied in Mount St. Benedict in scholastic years 66-67 and 67-68, in form I and form II respectively.
It seems to me formidable that somebody has taken the initiative to collect to data on the alumni in this extraordinary means that is the Web.
I hope that we can share in the future experiences and so many memories of that era.
The telephones of my office are 2863323/2862440, it is an office of lawyers.
I hope that in near future we maintain communication constant.
(The above in read is the result of Bubble fish translation. Ed.)
De: ANDRES MOFFIE [ moffiea@pdvsa.com ]
Fecha: 19/12/2005 08:45:07
Hi Ladislao,
I’m very glad to hear from you all.
Right now I’m my office and have to go to a reunion de trabajo.
I’ll be in touch.
Andres Eloy Moffie
De: ANDRES MOFFIE [ moffiea@pdvsa.com ]
Fecha: 16/02/2005 13:08:56
Hi Mr. MAC INTOCH or I could say Mr. SHORT PANTS,
That is what I can remember during my last year up in mount when you invite us Salvador Coscarart, the Garners and myself to a calypso tent in UWI in St. Augustine.
I remember part of a calypso ( THEY SAY PRISONERS HAVING LONG HAIR), AND OFF COURSE YOU WAS OUR DEAN, AND ENGLISH TEACHER, wait you also gives Biology.
Any how I’m glad off having news from you, will be touch
My best regards to you.
Faithfully yours.
EXT: 82112
(Andres, since I have no photo from you, I am attaching one of your brother. Ed.)
(And maybe for a new edition I may have a few lines from Edgar. Ed.)
From: Salco56@cs.com
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 12:21:48 EST
Subject: Re. Circular No. 212, The Abbey School MSB
Hola Ladislao, La foto fue tomada en la piscina del Abbey school donde estaban los trampolines,
# 1 Frank Eduardo Ibarra sobrino de Doña Menca de Leoni, Caracas Ven,
#2 ? de Caracas Ven,
#3 Carlos Pazos Caracas Ven,
#4 Salvador Coscarart Cumana Ven ,
Atras de Salvador es Gustavo Achong Maracaibo ven y
#5 Juan Luis Silva, Maturin Ven.
Bueno muchos saludos y Felices pascuas y Prospero Año Nuevo.
(Now who can remember No. 5, give us a clue? Ed.)
(Also a clue as to where they are and email address. Ed.)
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 08:05:27 -0400
From: "Rafael Echeverría"
To: "laszlo kertesz"
Subject: David Baine & Other things ... Re: Big Joe !
Yes I know David Baine ....
I have not seen him a long time though ...
I don't think I have his numbers at hand but I can look for it.
Ladislao ... let me take advantage of this solitude at my apartment in Aventura to thank you for all you have done for me .... you have made my life so much richer .... with your efforts with the MSB News Letter ... you have brought Mount back to me and to so many others ....
And I ask GOD that he gives the blessing of always receiving your mails ... your MSB News Letter ....
You are now more than just a Mount Boy .... You are a Mount Hero ....
You have done so much good for so many people Ladislao .... buen material para cuando llegue el momento de "pasar la alcabala" ...
God will know that you have used His Talents well .... God Bless You Ladislao !!!!
Your Friend Always .....
Your Friend Always .....
Rafael Echeverria (Che Che)
On 12/23/05, laszlo kertesz < kertesz11@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Rafael,
I did not know that you have David Bain in Maracaibo .
Write to me if anything on Big Joe.
God Bless
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 22:41:01 -0400
From: "Rafael Echeverría"
Dear DON .... and all the other Mount guys ... sorry for sending the wrong message just before ... just pressed the worng key accidentaly
... This is it ..
Michael De Verteiul, The Head Prefect ....
Michael Azar (Big Joe and also Head Prefect when I arrived at Mount with my Brother) Bernard D'Abadie,
Jeremy De Barry ... he taught me and Norman Smith our first chords in the guitar .... Gordon Mitchell, Peter Laughlin ... great basketball player ... good friend ... always laughing ....
Richard Anderson, great friend & good tennis player ....
....the lines for the daily showers .... The Beatles .... Man for All Seasons ... Maracas Bay ... the sports field ... The Scouts ... The Interpreters ... Chains .... The Beatles .... movies at the hall ... the lousy food ... the best times of my life .... the best people ... carnival ... White Stones ... the comet ... Pax Honey ... The bread .... St. Michael’s.... calypso ... The Beatles ... the girls ...
Thank you DON for your Good Wishes and I wish you and all my good Mount Boy friends all the blessings from GOD in this Christmas and ALL THE BEST for the year 2006 together with my whole family ... a beautiful wife ... five kids ... two grandchildren ... and lots of music ...
Rafael Echeverria CHE-CHE
Phones: 305-935.1098
From: Baknal@aol.com
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 22:30:21 EST
Subject: Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you ........ all the best in 2006,
Howard Ho (1964...I think!)
(Can anyone help on the 1964 +/-, and pin it down. Ed.)
From: "Don Mitchell CBE, QC"
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 07:44:09 -0400
Hello Ladislao,
This is just a short note to wish you and yours a happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Maggie and I will have a busy one.
We have one friend from the UK and 5 members of family from Canada staying with us, for one month and for two weeks respectively.
People will be sleeping in the sitting room and corridors!
Keep well.
Fecha: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 15:29:59 +0000 (GMT)
De: cuthbert lande
De: cuthbert lande
Asunto: Happy Holy Christmas
Abbot John Pereira and the Community of Mount St. Benedict wish you and your dear ones a Holy and Happy Christmas.
May the Lord Jesus bring you all His Love and Peace.
May the happiness and blessing be with you all in 2006
Fr. Cuthbert.
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 01:56:42 -0500
Hi Ladislao,
We just wanted to remind you that recently Bernard Fontaine (soincabf@cantv.net) sent you an online greeting card from BirthdayCards.com!
To pickup your card
From : Maurice de Verteuil
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 1:30AM
I gave you my other email address before, but you only sent one or two circulars before you reverted to hotmail.
Here it is: moedev@look.ca
The last circular for which I received and attachment was #199.
Thereafter, nada!
I mentioned this in our MSN chat that you copied in circular #116, but you must have misunderstood.
Have a super Christmas day tomorrow.
From: Ladislao Kertesz
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: Re. Circular No. 214, The Abbey School
Dear Maurice,
I have placed you in Kertesz12@yahoo.com, for the attachments.
But seems that it has been returned, so please open a yahoo.com mail even if it is only for the Circulars.
I can resend the No. 200+ but tell me the ones missing,
I am keeping you in Hotmail so that we may chat.
God Bless
From: "Maurice de Verteuil" <mauricedev@hotmail.com>
To: "Ladislao Kertesz" ladislaokertesz@hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 16:23:24 -0500
I have not been getting any attachments for the last 4 or 5 newsletters.
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address:
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela
For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Edgar Moffie 04LK0000EMOOH
Fr. Augustine 02GA0000FAUSFG
Fr. Cuthbert 02GA0000FCUSFG
Fr. Benedict 01LK0000FBE
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Circular No 216

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School , Mt. St. Benedict , Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Dear Friends,
I am enclosing a chat with Maurice de Verteuil to encourage someone of you to contact me through Yahoo messenger, or MSN messenger.
Maybe it is easier for you to help me in my redaction.
Now a copy of the chat:
Ladislao dice:
hi maurice, from venezuela
Maurice dice:
Hi, need any snow?
Ladislao dice:
no, our temperature is very cold, 16ºC at night.
Ladislao dice:
lots of people with a cold, sick
Maurice dice:
Cold enough I suppose.
Ladislao dice:
If it gets any lower they might die
Ladislao dice:
I am trying to get issue No. 215 out this weekend but I am at a loss for words.
Maurice dice:
That's unusual
Ladislao dice:
Can you help to fill the Circular?
Maurice dice:
Ladislao dice:
Are you getting them?
Ladislao dice:
I did a long winded one three days ago, nearly passed out.
Maurice dice:
Yes, although the most recent 2 or 3 were without pictures - deliberate?
Ladislao dice:
Did you pay your dues?? 50 words?, maybe I should name you as a Circular Helper.
Maurice dice:
"I am a man of few words"
Ladislao dice:
The reason is because I feel that many do not want them and are reluctant to say so.
Ladislao dice:
Maybe you should copy your information that is in Who is Who?
Ladislao dice:
or ask your secretary to send me your curriculum?
Ladislao dice:
I am sure that your friends would love seeing a couple of lines.
Maurice dice:
I am not in touch with events common to the others from the West Indies . It is a bit far in the past for me, and I suppose, with my life so different now from then, I have a hard time keeping the memories alive.
Ladislao dice:
By the way I am a lousy writer, as a good technician should be.
Maurice dice:
True. I am an engineer, myself.
Ladislao dice:
That is so, I have only returned to Trinidad four times since 1960
Ladislao dice:
That is another world and now even further because of our president.
Maurice dice:
Yes, Pres Chavez is quite a character.
Ladislao dice:
Well I do not want to keep you from your chatting, please receive my best greetings for the season.
Maurice dice:
But I wonder if in the end, Venezuela did not need a good shake up. As with others in S.A, there has not been a lot of societal progress.
Ladislao dice:
Hope you can take a good photo under the tree. Maybe you can even send it to yours faithful.
Ladislao dice:
you are right, it is an extreme right then an extreme left and so on, I only foresee a good sale of Dramamine.
Ladislao dice:
So good night and hope you do not have to shovel too much.
Maurice dice:
..... I wish you all the best for a family Christmas.
Ladislao dice:
Maurice dice:
From: John Pereira |
Date: 10/13/2005 4:09:14 PM
A few photos from my visit to down-town Rouseau with Michel Nassief, a past student of the Abbey School (1948-1951).
We had some nice Lebanese food.
Abbot John
Take note:
The Book on The History of Mount St Benedict is now available at The Pax Abbey Shop at Mount St Benedict. The price is TT$80.00. There is a Chapter on The Abbey School with some photos of the old days. It should make interesting reading especially for Past Students of the School.
From: Edward Lloyd
Subject: Mount updates
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 15:57:43 +0000 (GMT)
Greetings, it's been a year since I've last heard from you.
Have you discontinued the email updates from all our friends.
I think that the last one I received was #196, but surprisingly the previous one to that was 165!
If you are still handling this, could you please include me in your mailing list.
It was good hearing from the guys of yester-year.
Regards and God bless, have a wonderful, safe and Happy Festive season
Edward Lloyd
Tel:- 01330 822 930 Mobile :- 07900 616 107
Thank you Tony for this new Christmas commentary, I needed it, for a plentiful Circular.
Commentary: Christmas 2005.
Quite a few people have been waiting for me to give my Christmas commentary.
I am hoping for a quiet Christmas this year I wanted to enjoy it with my family privately, since it seemed to be dangerous to go anywhere and still survive the season. Even the usual fashion show my wife Jewel does to force me to pick the different outfits she will wear at the various functions we will attend this year lasted only two or three hours, establishing clearly that we are not doing much going out this year.
I am therefore sending a message to all [especially to those whom it may concern] that even to the few functions we do intend to attend, I am not walking with any money in my pockets this Christmas, even old year’s night I am not walking with the usual 50 US dollars that my wife insists that I have in my pocket so that the new year does not catch me with no money in my pocket, it is bad Karma she says!! I never heard of it, but who am I to argue with the boss?
I do not usually walk with money and many a time I would end up at the bridge and discover that I do not have the toll, so I drive back to Houston and beg one of my brothers or my mother for the 50 dollars necessary to cross the Demerara Bridge to get home.
In addition apart from my wedding ring I will not be wearing any jewellery so if anyone had me on their list to shoot and rob, they can forget it.
I look back on 2005 and I wonder where it went, as you grow older the years just keep flashing by, it seems like only yesterday that we were waiting for it to become 2000 and we were calculating which embedded chip would leave us with no computers, no Stereos, no watches, no palm pilots, no cell Phones or anything electronic for that matter, we expected everything to stop working at midnight when the year 2000 began, of course the scientists were all completely wrong and nothing happened but it seemed like only last year, but it has been 5 years!!
This is the first year since I was 18 years old that I did not smoke for the entire year, first of all I want to apologise to anyone who I may have breathed on during the almost 41 years I smoked, you have to forgive me but I had no idea what that smells like, now that I can smell the breadth of a smoker, I would never have started.
Or I would have held my breath when in the company of non smokers.
It has always been a complete mystery to me how we abuse our bodies, we smoke too much, we sport too much, we drink too much, now all the time we are doing these things when we were young, people kept telling us that we will regret it some day, but we do not listen; then we get to age 60 and we can hardly breathe, so we go to our doctors for help, the doctor asks “what’s the problem?” “Well I am having some difficulty breathing, I think that I may have bronchitis or something” I respond “OK he says go to this place with this paper and take this X-ray” and he gives you a prescription; does anyone know why we need a prescription to take an x-ray? Can’t I just go someplace and say that I need an X-ray for my lungs for example? I mean, really, who would go for an X-ray every week anyway? in case there are radiation problems associated with this practice, can you see someone saying I’m going to a take an X-ray of my chest this week just to see what I look like inside there now? I haven’t seen it in over a month. It’s ridiculous!
Anyway I take the prescription and I get the X-ray done, and I return to my doctor, now my doctor for these matters is Max Hanoman, I return to his office a few days later with my chest X-ray and after the usual old talk, since Max and I have been close buddies since I built the Dark disco at the Park Hotel nearly 15 years ago, he looks at my x-ray and he exclaims “Jesus Christ!!”
I immediately break out in a cold sweat; I ask “what are you seeing? Do I have lung cancer?” “no” he says taking a puff of his cigarette, “but look at your lungs Tony its completely congested from the smoking and unless you stop smoking immediately you will get emphysema, also because of the inability of your body to provide oxygen to your many body parts, various things on your body will go dead in the near future.”
Well, ladies and gentlemen I have to tell you this drove the fear of the lord into me, some of the things that were going to go dead before I did were downright frightening.
I left Max’s office went down to the car and threw the pack of Benson and Hedges out on to the road and I have not put a cigarette in my mouth again!! That was June 2004!! So I am celebrating one year and six months of not smoking but this year 2005 is the first complete year in nearly 40 years that I have not smoked and I am happy to report that all parts are firing on all 8 cylinders.
Also to off set years of frequent booze ups I have also decided not to drink every day or even every week, once a month is good enough.
I have not gotten over this concept I have held all my life, that imbibing alcohol is done for the sole purpose of getting high.
This business of taking a social drink is strictly for the birds, its like owning a Porsche, you don’t own a Porsche and drive at a funeral’s pace, and so when my Nephew Mark Vieira lets me drive his Porsche, I drive it at 100 MPH on the Houston back road, that’s what it is for, that what alcohol is for, to get high so when I tek a drink I tekking a drink, but only once a month these days.
I have also started Yoga if you are going to rehabilitate your old structure you may as well do a thorough job, right?!!
Most of you over 50 who drive, will know that it is nearly impossible to reverse your car by looking back through the rear window, you have to use the rear view mirror, since I was around 50 I lost the ability to turn enough to look back through the rear window, but now at 60 believe it or not, I can actually look back when I am reversing the car without having to buy Bella Donna plaster and advil for the next two/ three weeks for my neck, it is really incredible, what is even more incredible is that I am actually paying this chap to come to my house three times a week to make me sweat, moan, groan and grunt for an hour .
If anyone had told me that the day would come when I would have paid some Indonesian guy to come to my house to make me work and sweat harder than a cane cutter I would have suggested a trip to the mad house for them.
So y’all look out, like the six million dollar man, it is a better, faster, stronger more aggressive Tony Vieira that I am building for the challenges and the tasks of 2006!
Of course I would be remiss of me if I did not mention that I am sending special greetings through the magic of the internet to my two daughters in Toronto Amanda and Nicole Vieira, and to my son Anthony Vieira who lives and works here with me in Guyana, to my son Jonathan in the US and my two babies Joseph and Angelique the joy of my old age, along with their mom, the love of my life, my wife Jewel.
To my own mother I hope she has a happy Christmas, but I doubt it, since it will her first Christmas in 61 years when my father would not be there with her, and I also will miss him.
To all the members of the staff here at VCT and the Evening News I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year, to the people of this nation I extend my heartfelt thanks especially to those of you who have supported me and VCT during this trying year, to those who did not support us, have a lousy Christmas.
Guyana isn’t much today ladies and gentlemen but this is our home and with your help we can change things next year, at some point during this season pause and say a small prayer that in 2006 which is an election year, that something miraculous will happen which will set us free of the bonds that now hold us in stagnation and poverty. The onus is on you to make it happen.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you, yeah, even those who did not support me.
Tony Vieira
(You have made your dues, and thank you. Ed.)
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address:
Ladislao Kertesz
Apartado 69072
Caracas 1062A Venezuela
For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photos: Monastery in Guyana Tony Vieira, Fr. Abbot, John Pereira in Dominica , Michel Nassief, Downtown Roseau .
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